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   关于植物中英文的诗词 母亲节中英文诗词

有关动植物的英文诗歌O nature! I do not aspire To be the highest in thy choir,- To be a meteor in thy sky, Or


O nature! I do not aspire To be the highest in thy choir,- To be a meteor in thy sky, Or comet that may range on high; Only a zephyr that may blow Among the reeds by the river low; Give me thy most privy place Where to run my airy race. 翻译: 啊,自然!我并不企盼 成为你歌队里至尊的一员-- 做一颗天上璀璨的流星 或在高空中漫游的彗星; 我只想做一缕柔和的轻风, 穿梭在河畔的芦苇丛中; 告诉我你最僻静的地方让我的气息在那里飘荡。

In some withdrawn, unpublic mead Let me sigh upon a reed, Or in the woods, with leafy din, Whisper the still evening in: Some still work give me to do,- Only-be it near to you! 翻译: 来到僻远幽静的草地, 我倚着芦苇轻轻地叹息, 来到树叶沙沙的森林, 我悄声低语来迎接黄昏, 让我为你做一些事情,-- 只要--我能够跟你亲近! For I'd rather be thy child And pupil, in the forest wild, Than be the king of men elsewhere, And most sovereign slave of care; To have one moment of thy dawn, Than share the city's year forlorn. 翻译: 我宁愿生活在荒野丛林, 做你的孩子,做你的学生, 也不愿去做人间的皇帝, 或不折不扣的忧患的奴隶; 我愿享有你黎明的刹那, 放弃城市中寂寞的年华。

Nature——Henry David Thoreau...


IDEAL 理想篇 Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist) 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的

英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.) Don't part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer) 不要放弃你的幻想。


((美国作家 马克·吐温) I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man . I don't know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world .(Thomas Edison , American inventor) 我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类


(美国发明家 爱迪生. T.) Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life .( Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer) 理想是指路明灯。


(俄国作家 托尔斯泰. L .) If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?( P. B. Shelley , British poet ) 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.) If you doubt yourself , then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground .( Ibsen , Norwegian dramatist ) 如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。

(挪威剧作家 易卜生) If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher) 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。

(德国哲学家 尼采. F. W.) It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them.( Mark Twain , American writer ) 就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。

(美国作家 马克·吐温) Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. Alexander Dumas (Davy de La Pailleterie, French Writer) 生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。

(法国作家 大仲马. A.) The ideals which have lighted my way , and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness , beauty and truth .(Albert Einstein , American scientist) 有些理想曾为我们引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是——真、善、美。

(美国科学家 爱因斯坦 . A .) The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German Poet and dramatist) 人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。

(德国诗人、戏剧家 歌德 . J . M .) The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds .(Mark Twain , American writer) 具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。

(美国作家 马克·吐温) The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president) 实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。

(美国总统 罗斯福. F .) When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory .(Abraham Lincoln , American statesman) 如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。

(美国政治家 林肯. A.) STRUGGLE 奋斗篇 Genius only means hard-working all one's life .( Mendeleyer , Russian Chemist) 天才只意味着终身不懈的努力

(俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫) I have nothing to offer but blood , toil tears and sweat . (Winston Churchill, British Politician) 我所能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。

(英国政治家 丘吉尔 . W.) Man errs so long as he strives. (Johan Wolfgang Goethe , German poet and dramatist) 人只要奋斗就会犯错误。

(德国诗人、剧作家 歌德. J. W.) My fellow Americans , ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country . My fellow citizens of the world ; ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man . (John Kennedy , American President ) 美国同胞们,不要问国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为国家做些什么。


(美国总统 肯尼迪. J.) Our destiny offers not the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity . (Richard Nixon, American President ) 命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。

(美国总统 尼克松 . R.) Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet . (Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker) 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。

(法国思想家 卢梭. J. J.) Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow . (Emerson, ...


玉簪(Hosta plantaginea)、紫萼(Hosta ventricosa)、铃兰(Convallaria majalis)、吉祥草(Reineckia carnea)、一叶兰(Aspidistra elatior)、石菖蒲(Acorus gramineus)、土麦冬(Liriope spicata)、石蒜(Lycoris sp.)、葱兰(Zephyranthes candida)、大花美人蕉(Canna generalis)、沿阶草(Ophiopogon japonicus)、红花酢浆草(Oxalis corymbosa)、萱草(Hemerocallis fulva)、鸢尾(Iris sp.)、万年青(Rohdea japonica)、马蔺(Iris lactea)、溪荪(Iris sanquinea)、黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、香蒲(Typha angustata)、荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)、睡莲(Nymphaea tetragona)、千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria)、白头翁(Pulsatilla chinensis)、垂盆草(Sedum sarmentosum)、日本景天(Sedum japonica)、虎耳草(Saxifraga stolonifera)、紫花地丁(Viola philippica)azalea 杜鹃花begonia 秋海棠Brazil 巴西木cactus 仙人掌camellia 山茶花carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花chrysanthemum 菊花dahlia 大丽花daisy 雏菊datura 曼陀罗epiphyllum 昙花fringed iris 蝴蝶花fuchsia 倒挂金钟gardenia 栀子India canna 美人蕉jasmine 茉莉lilac 丁香lily 百合mangnolia 木兰花mangnolia 玉兰花morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)narcissus 水仙花oleander 夹竹桃orchid 兰花pansy 三色堇peony 牡丹peony 芍药phalaenopsis 蝶兰rose 玫瑰rose 月季setose asparagus 文竹touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花tulip 郁金香violet, stock violet 紫罗兰water hyacinth 凤眼兰Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花


rose 玫瑰花 tulip 郁金香 balsam 凤仙花 canna 美人蕉 lily 百合花 jasmine 茉莉 sweet pea 香豌豆花 sunflower 向日葵 geranium 大竺葵 morning-glory 牵牛花 cosmos 大波斯菊 pansy 三色堇 poppy 罂粟花 marigold 金盏花 carnation 麝香石竹 amaryllis 孤挺花 dahlia 大丽花 pink 石竹花 crocus 番红花 iris 蝴蝶花 hyacinth 风信花 daffodil 黄水仙 chrysanthemum 菊 marguerite,daisy 雏菊 gladiolus 剑兰 cantury plant 龙舌兰 magnolia 木兰 yucca 丝兰 orchid 兰花 freesia 小苍兰 cyclamen 仙客来 begonia 秋海棠 anemone 银莲花 wisteria 柴藤 redbud 紫荆 dogwood 山茱萸 hawthorn 山楂 camellia 山茶 hydrangea 八仙花 hibiscus 木槿 peony 芍药 azalea 杜鹃 rhododendron 杜鹃花 daphne 瑞香 gardenia 栀子 lilac 紫丁香 night-blooming cereus 仙人掌 apple 苹果 pear 梨 orange 桔子 quince 柑橘 apricot 杏 plum 洋李 pistil 雌蕊 ovary 子房 petal 花瓣 anther 花药 stamen 雄蕊 nectar gland 蜜腺 sepal 萼片 stalk 花柄 pollen 花粉 pine 松 cerdar 雪松类 larch 落叶松 juniper 杜松 cone 松果 cypress 柏树 bamboo 竹 box 黄杨 poplar 白杨 cottonwood 三角叶杨 osier 紫皮柳树 willow 垂柳 birch 白桦 maple 枫树 sequoia 红杉 fir 冷杉 hemlock spruce 铁杉 spruce 云杉 yew 紫杉 eucalytus 桉树 locust 洋槐 wattle 金合欢树 camphor tree 樟树 rosewood 紫檀 ebony 乌檀 sandalwood 檀香木 satinwood 椴木 linden 椴树 rowan 欧洲山梨 teak 柚木树 elm 榆木树 oak 橡树 acorn 橡树果 sycamore 美国梧桐 ginkgo 银杏树 holly 冬青 coco 椰树 date 枣椰树 hickory 山核桃树 plane tree 悬铃树 beech 山毛榉 horse chestnut 七叶树 blackthorn 黑刺李 baobab 猴面包树 elder 接骨木 myrtle 桃金娘科植物 cycad 苏铁 oil palm 油棕榈树 treetop 树梢 branch 树枝 twig 小树枝 bough 大树枝 knot 树节 trunk 树干 leaf 树叶 sprout 新芽 sapling 树苗 stump 树桩 root 树根 root hair 根毛 taproot 主根 bark 树皮 resin 树脂 pith 木髓 cambium 形成层 ring 年轮 wood 木材 azalea 杜鹃花 begonia 秋海棠 Brazil 巴西木 cactus 仙人掌 camellia 山茶花 carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨) Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花 Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 chrysanthemum 菊花 dahlia 大丽花 daisy 雏菊 datura 曼陀罗 epiphyllum 昙花 fringed iris 蝴蝶花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 gardenia 栀子 India canna 美人蕉 jasmine 茉莉 lilac 丁香 lily 百合 mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花) narcissus 水仙花 oleander 夹竹桃 orchid 兰花 pansy 三色堇 peony 牡丹 peony 芍药 phalaenopsis 蝶兰 rose 玫瑰 rose 月季 setose asparagus 文竹 touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花 tulip 郁金香 violet,stock violet 紫罗兰 water hyacinth 凤眼兰植物学词典 (ya_hoo战友曾经推荐) **** 该词典词汇量约4400,包括了植物、园艺、建筑、风景等方面的术语 中国花卉报的花卉拉丁名、英文名、汉语名词典(观星人提供) 植物拉丁名-英文普通名词典 植物药材索引 该词典由Mrs.M.Grieve于1931年出版,包含了药学、烹调学、化妆以及民间药材 等方面的术语 常见植物病 可以根据病名检索,可以根据植物名检索 植病学词汇 植物命名法中的常见符号 关于植物命名法的 水生植物词汇 食肉植物的名字来源


红叶石楠: 拉丁名:Photinia serrulata 别名:火焰红,千年红。














市场上普遍存在和工程常用的四个品种的大体情况作一介绍: 红罗宾:叶缘锯齿比其他品种明显,个体差异比其他品种大。






























梅花 梅花在严寒中最先开放,然后引出烂漫百花散出的芳香,因此梅花与菊花一样,受到了诗人的敬仰与赞颂。









松 松树是傲霜斗雪的典范,自然是众人讴歌的对象。





莲 由于“莲”与“怜”音同,所以古诗中有不少写莲的诗句,借以表达爱情。






梧桐 梧桐则是凄凉悲伤的象征。









All for one, one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。

—— [法] Dumas pére大仲马 Other men live to eat, while I eat to live. 别人为食而生存,我为生存而食。

—— Socrates 苏格拉底 Easy come, easy go. 易得者亦易失。

—— Hazlitt赫斯特 Love rules his kingdom without a sword. 爱,统治了他的王国,不用一枝利剑。

—— Herbert 赫伯特 We soon believe what we desire. 我们欲望中的东西,我们很快就信以为真。

—— Chaucer乔叟 The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。

—— Fuller 富勒 The longest day has an end. 最难过的日子也有尽头。

—— Howell 贺韦尔 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活而无目标,犹如航海之无指南针。

—— J. Ruskin 鲁斯金 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 手中的一只鸟胜于林中的两只鸟。

—— Heywood 希伍德 One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。

—— Taverner 泰维纳 A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink. 一个人可以把马带到河边,但他不能令它饮水。

—— Heywood 希伍德 One cannot eat one's cake and have it. 一个人不能把他的糕饼吃掉之后还留在手上。

—— Davies 戴维斯 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。

—— Benjamin Franklin富兰克林 Time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人。

—— Scott 斯科特 There is no rose without a thorn. 没有玫瑰花是不长刺的。

—— Ray 雷 Lookers-on see most of the game. 旁观者清。

—— Smedley 斯密莱 Beggars cannot be choosers. 行乞者不得有选择。

—— Heywood 希伍德 First catch your hare. 首先必须捕获兔子,然后才能宰之。

—— Thackeray 萨克雷 Victory won't come to me unless I go to it. 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

—— M. Moore 穆尔 A great man is always willing to be little. 伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的。

—— R. W. Emerson 爱默生 Cowards die many times before their deaths. 懦夫在未死之前,已身历多次死亡的恐怖了。

—— Julius Caesar 凯撒 Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real. 但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。

—— Jules Verne 凡尔纳 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聪明。

—— Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林 Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成。

—— T. Fuller 富勒 Goals determine what you are going to be. 目标决定你将成为为什么样的人。

—— Julius Erving欧文 All human wisdom is summed up in two words ?C wait and hope. 人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词 — 等待和希望。

—— Alexandre Dumas Pére大仲马(法国作家) It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious for? 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。


—— H. D. Thoreau梭罗 You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

—— Charles Chaplin卓别林 Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom. 没有什么比独立自由更可宝贵的了。

—— [越南] Ho Chi Minh胡志明 I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. 我不缅怀过去的历史,而致力于未来梦想

—— T. Jefferson 杰弗逊(美国第3任总统) Money is round. It rolls away. 圆圆钱币,滚走容易。

—— S. Aleichen 阿雷钦 We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it. 我们要尽可能为生活增加一些东西,而不是从中索取什么。

—— William Osler 奥斯勒 Life itself, without the assistance of colleges and universities, is becoming an advanced institution of learning. 没有学院大学的帮助,人生本身也正在变成一所高等学府。

—— Thomas Alva Edison 爱迪生 Work while you work; Play while you play; This is the way; To be cheerful and gay. 工作时工作, 玩乐是玩乐, 依此方法做, 轻松与欢乐。

—— A. D. Stoddart 斯道达特KNOWLEDGE 知识篇 Activity is the only road to knowledge . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist) 行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。

(英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.) A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books . (Thomas Jefferson , American president) 一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外,还可以从许多别的来源获得知识。

( 美国总统 杰斐逊 . T.) A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way .(Adams Franklin , American humorist ) 我的大部分知识都是这样获得的:在寻找某个资料时意外的发现了另上的资料。

(美国幽默作家 富兰克林. A.) If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest . (Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳...


松——坚贞高洁 李白《赠书侍御黄裳》 愿君学长松,慎勿作桃李. 杜荀鹤《小松》 自小刺头深草里, 而今渐觉出蓬蒿. 时人不识凌云木, 直待凌云始道高. 菊花——坚贞高洁的品质 屈原《离骚》 朝饮木兰之坠露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英 唐人元稹《菊花》 秋丛绕舍似陶家,遍绕篱边日渐斜.不是花中偏爱菊,此花开尽更无花 梅花——傲霜斗雪,不怕打击挫折,纯净洁白 陈亮《梅花》 一朵忽先变,百花皆后香 王安石《梅花》 遥知不是雪,为有暗香来 陆游《咏梅 零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故. 莲——表达爱情,纯洁 南朝乐府《西洲曲》: 采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头;低头弄莲子,莲子青如水. 周敦颐《爱莲说》 无污泥而不染,濯清莲而不妖 梧桐——凄凉悲伤的象征 徐再思《双调水仙子.夜雨》: 一声梧叶一声秋,一点芭蕉一点愁,三更归梦三更后. 李清照《声声慢》 梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏,点点滴滴 柳--伤离别 柳永《雨霖铃》 今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸,晓风残月


Flowers Flowers are one of the most beautiful things that God has made.They come in many colours - like red,pink,yellow,white,orange and purple.Some flowers like the sunflower and dahlia are big,while some like the phlox and morning glory are small.Most flowers have a sweet smell.I like the smell of rose and jasmine very much.Flowers add colour and beauty to our lives.In the winter,gardens and parks are full of different coloured flowers.Even during the dull summer months flowers like gulmohar and amaltas add colour to the streets.There are many flowers in my garden.I love to smell them and touch their soft petals.I never pluck them - mummy says it is wrong to do so .Go with Green First,let`s talk about the importance of green plants.Green plants,through the photosynthesis turn solar energy into bio-energy?And environment to constitute the organic matter of the plant.The green plant is the foundation of energy transformation and material circulation of the earth biosphere and it is the direct source of materials and energy needed in the existence and development of human beings and other living things.Therefore,to maintain the each ecosystem,improve the living environment of human beings and guarantee the continuous development of the earth.We should conserve the natural green plants and make them reasonable.The reduction of the green plant deteriorates the environment,causes mere drought,storms,and serious soil erosion and make the greenhouse effect a mere serious problem.Protecting the green plant has been one of the common,concerns over the world.The tragedies cased by the destruction of the forest are not rarely seen,now and before.The plain of Mesopotamia once conceived the brilliant Babylon cult we in ancient times.Garden of Eden in the myth was a good illustration of this paradise on the earth,but it became a barren land because of the early,inhabitants reckless destruction of the forests in the air with the virus,lower the thick degree of harmful to leave regulate people`s promote the blood circulation,improve myocardial function,urge the human body metabolism,and in crease the immunity function,now each hospital may be full.If the green plant has not a certain reflective wave produces a function that lower a strength,now maybe many are living in a silent world.The plant has not only these functions above but can restrict headwaters while raining and keep the water and soil.Through the evaporation function it can increase the humidity in the air which is beneficial for the rainfall.Some green plants for example,forest can still obviously lower the wind velocity and make the farm crop evaporate to reduce slow,the degree of humidity in crease,and improve the small weather of farmland,and validate to prevent farm crop from suffering the sandstorm,dry bane,ground to resist the farmland to suffer the desert invade to swallow.The forest also is the habitat of many creatures,especially the rare animals.They are indispensable in the maintenance of the equilibrium of the ecosystem.Besides,green plant has the important meaning in the beautifying environment protecting and improving city environment.The above are common sense,as senior high school students,we definitely know them,how about us?We,however,did not treat them kindly,how can we forget the flood in the year of 1998?Didn`t we discover that it was the revenge on mankind for this selfishness!Can`t you remain indifferent to the denudation?If you think I`m talking dogma,but please think it over,in severed years,when you find your descendants take pains to obtain enough air and water,what will you feel?Then you begin to regret isn`t it too late?Wow,the deserts are swallowing human`s "rice bowls"--Isn`t it frightening?Isn`t the global soil erosion just like human "blood" drained to the sea?The lands are desert zed,"rice bowls" sweltered,"blood" drained can human beings still survive on the earth?Can human civilization continue?Will the history of mankind be ruined in our hand?Are we willing to be condemned throughout the ages?The answer is "no" "absolutely no",we can`t let the tragedy occur,we will continue to keep the ecological balance,to plant trees to make the earth more beautiful.Tianshan Middle School